Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heritage Market - Columbus Cash and Carry

Well Beth and I have been out of the loop for a little while getting ready for this show. Well... that and we each broke our right foot. NO THIS IS NOT A HOAX!!! Pictures to follow in another post. But... about the show. It was an AWESOME show and we had a good time. Beth was unable to attend as she needed to stay off her foot and I was medicated and on steroids. The crowd was great and we had a nice blend of primitive goodes. Bill, Michele (my right hand.. I mean foot) and I were very happy with the way it was attended and the ease at which this show seemed to go. Bill took a few photos and here they are.

As many of you might know or rather might not know Beth and Bill make these simply fantastic chairs. They have a friend that actually cuts the tree and makes each chair piece from scratch. You talk about "Made In The U.S.A.". I have never seen anything like these. The hand hewn pieces truly are a work of art. The finish on the chairs is amazing. These are pictures of two of the seats of the chairs. One is a drab brown with a spicy mustard seat and the other is a dirty white over black. I would love to have six of these in my dining room.

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