These are just a few of the remarks our customers wrote to let us know what they think about the online trade show...
I think the online trade show is a great idea . As we are only able to attend the Valley Forge Show in Jan and the Marlborough Cash & Carry shows it gives us an opportunity at this time of year that we would not normally have. Below is our business information. Please let me know if you need anything else to register us for the event . Looking forward to it .
Thank You,
I would like to register for the July online trade show.
Our business information is below.
We think you have a novel approach to a market, and
in these economic times, when we are all working
that much harder to keep our heads afloat, it is very
much appreciated! Good luck and we wish you much success!
Also I want to register to attend the online trade show--how exciting. My tax id # is 41-XXXXXX State of Colorado. Unfortunately, for the first time ever, I wasn't able to attend the June show--just all kinds of scheduling problems and conflicts. I'm worried about not having enough product now for the holiday seasons so this is great!
Thanks for staying positive in a "hard to stay positive" world and economy. We are survivors!
I think this is one of the smartest things anyone could have ever done. I haven't been to a show in years because I have no one to run the store while we go to shows. Then figure in the gas and lodging and you are not making any profit unless you spend mega bucks and the economy is not allowing that right now. I know this thing is going to go over big if the vendors will supply the goods, that was always a problem with the shows in Philly, you place all these orders and get all excited about the new things and never get them. I hope this doesn't happen with this. If things go good this is going to be awsome for us store owners and the vendors. I wish you so much luck in this endeavor and I am so excited to be a part of it.
Another Izannah Walker Doll Advertisement
Michelle Brown contacted me with information she found researching old
newspapers online - it's an advertisement by E. W. Billings describing
dolls for sal...
3 months ago