Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ellen Aymer came to London from County Cork, and in February 1835 began lodging at the house of Edward and Ann Godwin, at 2 King's Court in Pimlico. A week later, Ann Godwin went out early, and when she returned found that Ellen had disappeared, as had five of Ann's dresses, a handkerchief, and a blanket. Next day, Ann and a constable found Ellen in Warwick Place, Pimlico. She was wearing the handkerchief around her neck, and admitted taking the gowns, which she had pawned at Walton & Miller's pawnbrokers in Westminster, for fourteen shillings. She said she wanted to get transported. She got her wish. Date Tried: 27th February 1835, Westminster SessionsSentence: To be transported for seven years.

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