Friday, June 15, 2012

Primitiques Market Square Review

New Chimney Buttery with shelves, Windsor Collection, Standard Sawbuck, Feedsack Make-Do Rocking Chair.
Above: New Folk Art Decorated Corner Cabinet, New 6 or 10 Drawer Coffee Table (6 drawer)/Chest (10 drawer) and new Tall Chimney Cupboard.
Aged Paper (paper by Monahan Papers) Covered Americana Spoon Cupboard, Feedsack Covered Make Do Rocking Chair, Smithy Wood Bin and Tiger Maple Tailed Corner
cupboard vignette showing the incredible Standard Scrubtop of our Sawbuck Dining Table.
Above: 6 or 10 drawer chest and handled Fruit Box. Below: Aged Scripted Fabric Fireside Chair - We can INSERT YOUR FAMILY'S NAME (fabric by Monahan papers), significant dates, etc. INTO the fabric!!! Along with Aged Paper Covered Chalfonte Dresser.
Above are some pictures of Primitiques new and exciting products introduced at Market Square this week. We loved seeing our customers and meeting new ones at the show! For those of you who were not able to attend, please call or email us if you are interested in placing your order to be in your shop IN TIME for your fall Open Houses.
Beth and Bill Merryfield
Primitiques, Ltd.
(610) 459-1776

1 comment:

Ronda said...

Love everything!..